Ars Electronica Festival Podcast
This year's Ars Electronica takes place from 4 to 8 September under the title 'HOPE - who will turn the tide'. With this motto, the festival for art, technology and society aims to highlight the main driving force for positive change: people whose activities give cause for optimism. For the Ö1-produced podcast series, Hannah Balber meets artists, researchers, developers, activists and entrepreneurs from all over the world who talk about their inspirations, successes, failures, working with new technologies and the irrepressible curiosity to discover new possibilities.
During the festival, exhibitions, concerts, performances, screenings, conferences and workshops will be organised at several locations in Linz. Once again, the main venue is POSTCITY, a former postal distribution centre destined for demolition. Come by and get inspired!
Ars Electronica Festival Podcast
Who Owns the Truth? #5 (EN): Truth in Business Attire
The profound digital transformations altering both economy and society bring forth new inquiries regarding the role of truth and transparency in the realm of business. In an era where data is often hailed as the 'new oil', truth becomes a tradable commodity—collected, analyzed, packaged, and monetized. How can we guarantee that companies handle these invaluable data with responsibility and transparency? What would a just and equitable data-driven economy entail? How can we safeguard the preservation of truth throughout this process? Moreover, how can businesses contribute to resolving global challenges, particularly in developing sustainable and socially just business models?
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