Ars Electronica Festival Podcast

HOPE #8: Which Rules do we need in the Metaverse? A Conversation with Micaela Mantegna

Ars Electronica Season 2 Episode 8

From 5 to 7 September, the Ars Electronica theme symposium served as a platform to explore innovative solutions to social challenges such as the climate crisis, the energy transition and the influence of artificial intelligence. Micaela Mantegna from Argentina appeared at the Prix Ars Electronica Forum on 7 September. She is a lawyer, video game enthusiast and international expert on digital ethics, XR policy and the intersection of AI, creativity and copyright. She is currently a researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, where her research interests include the regulation of the metaverse. The metaverse describes a comprehensive, immersive digital world in which physical, virtual and augmented reality merge and in which people can interact in a variety of ways. At the Ars Electronica Festival 2024, Mantegna participated as an expert in an interactive discussion entitled ‘Building the Future of AI in Arts’. The discussion centred on the infrastructures and framework conditions required for the artistic environment to fully exploit the creative potential of AI technology.

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